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Stephanie Jensen’s Biography

Stephanie started writing at around the age of 7. By the time she learned to read, she couldn’t put down a book. At a young age, Stephanie realized she could harness the art of language. Ever since then, Stephanie has been obsessed with writing.

Stephanie’s experience with writing started leisurely. She wrote novels in her spare time while she was in school. When she was around 9 years old, she fell in love with the horror genre. But she didn’t start writing horror until after college.

Stephanie studied English writing at the University of South Florida. During this time, she took a break from fiction writing to focus on school and music journalism. After working as a professional writer and blogger, Stephanie finally gained inspiration to start writing. The premise of her premiere novel, Dissecting House, started to fester in her mind. She finally organized her ideas, planned the novel, and wrote it. She published Dissecting House in November of 2018.

Today, Stephanie is focused on promoting Dissecting House but is also planning two books, including the sequel to Dissecting House. She is also working on Infernal Horror, where she promotes her work as well as other horror novelists, filmmakers, and others in the horror industry. Stephanie currently operates another website, Infernal TV, where she interviews and reviews extreme metal bands.

Stephanie currently lives in Tampa, Florida.

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