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Review: “Get Me Out of This Shimmering Oasis” by Lucy Leitner

I love indie horror books that focus on modern-day topics — especially when they take non-horror situations and make them extreme. That’s one of the many reasons why I love Lucy Leitner’s “Get Me Out of This Shimmering Oasis.”

Lucy and I were both guests on Mother of Mayhem’s Women in Horror Panel (titled Morbid Mavens). This podcast was so much fun and I’m thankful that Marian asked me to be a part of it. It was also the best way to celebrate Women in Horror month!

I was originally going to review her book Outrage Level 10. Then “Shimmering Oasis” came up in the conversation, and I was so intrigued about a horror story based on Instagram influencers. I hopped onto Godless and bought it. Finished it quickly and absolutely loved it.

The Story and Characters

There are two main characters. Our main character is @wellnesswarrior497 and she’s at an ominous “wellness” retreat with another influencer, @lululunges (her real name is Kinsey). The entire story is written through a series of Instagram posts.

The story centers on @wellnesswarrior497 as she’s staying at Lunabonne Wellness Retreat. She’s receiving a complimentary stay in exchange for social media promotion and a review. @wellnesswarrior497’s experience is documented through these Instagram posts.

As you can already gauge, everything about this story centers around stereotypical influencer culture. The way that @wellnesswarrior497 talks (self-diagnosing herself, toxic positivity and wellness, etc.), everyone’s names (Lunabonne Wellness Retreat literally sounds like a real place), and the fact that the reader is only getting enough information at face value — the same way influencers convey their lifestyles. I absolutely love it because these are themes that are so prevalent in reality, though aren’t seen in traditional horror.

What’s So Horrific About the Story?

Another guest on the panel (I think Jeanna Aarhus? I can’t remember) had a good point when this story came up in conversation: people hate influencers and they love hating on them. I really think that’s what is so horrific about this story. The terrible things that happen but also how obnoxiously positive @wellnesswarrior497 is trying to be. A part of you doesn’t feel bad that these awful circumstances are happening to influencers.

I won’t go into specifics because I don’t want to give away the story. I will try and explain this as best as I can.

The story starts off normally. @wellnesswarrior497 is posting about the retreat, her room, and gushing about meeting the Instagram booty babe @lululunges (if that already isn’t an Instagram handle then I will be shocked).

Then, things start to get crazier. @wellnesswarrior497 is put through…questionable treatments. Again, she’s being so positive about her torture to where it’s extremely toxic. A part of you can’t help but judge her.

Things get worse after @wellnesswarrior497 sees what’s happening to @lululunges. Again, not going into specifics. Even so, the reader doesn’t fully understand what is happening and why. Leitner only gives us small breadcrumbs to understand the situation is dire but leaves the majority of the details to the imagination.

The True Horror Isn’t the Torture

I suspect the true horror here lies within the toxic social media culture. @wellnesswarrior497 keeps self-diagnosing herself, discussing these crazy “wellness” therapies that have no stake in science and research, and dismisses medical professionals. @wellnesswarrior497 even calls out one medical professional in one of her posts; the medical professional claimed that the influencer doesn’t suffer from any ailments and is making them up to seek attention (kind of what we all assume is really going on here).

Social media gives everyone an outlet to express themselves. While this is positive in many regards, it also has its disadvantages. As we have seen these past couple of years, social media is the prime place for spewing misinformation. And again, as we have seen these past couple of years, this misinformation largely has to do with medicine. Self-diagnosing and alternative treatments have been all over the place. It’s difficult to weed out what’s legitimate and what’s an over-exaggeration.

 But this isn’t what bothers me the most. Leitner conveys her characters as oblivious, irrationally positive, and downright ignorant. @wellnesswarrior497 knows something terrible is occurring, yet isn’t reaching out for help. Instead, she posts on social media and lets @lululunges suffer — possibly knowing she’s next in the suffering.

Where Can You Read “Get Me Out of This Shimmering Oasis”?

I purchased this story on Godless. Not sure if it’s available anywhere else.

Leitner takes the most horrific parts of influencer culture and shoves them into one short. Because of this, it’s not your stereotypical horror story. The true horror lies within toxic influencer and social media culture — and just how far it can go.

It’s a very short story. I finished it in less than an hour. But trust me, this is one you don’t want to miss.

Follow Lucy Leitner:

Follow Stephanie E. Jensen/Infernal Horror:

Please support the Mothers of Mayhem podcast! Marian and Christina are hilarious and they do so much for the indie horror community. I watch their podcast on YouTube but it’s available on a variety of platforms.

And don’t forget to support women in horror — all year, not just in March.

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